Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Proven Leadership

Yup, I'm committed to supporting the Jack Aubrey-Stephen Maturin ticket in the 2008 presidential elections. The team of Aubrey and Maturin have demonstrated their abilities in areas such as national defense and have shown themselves capable of quick, decisive action. They are proven leaders who inspire those who serve with them, keep their heads in a crisis and earn respect from their enemies. (For more information, see the series of books by Patrick O'Brian).

There are downsides -- for one, they're both upwards of a couple hundred years old, and they're not natural-born U.S. citizens as required by the U.S. Constitution. Hence my other political project, the "Repeal Article II, Section I Drive." Slogan: It's Not Just For Arnold Anymore.

Some might also point out that they are fictional characters, and all the information we can read about them was made up by someone else.

Yeah, like that'd be different...

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