Saturday, August 30, 2008


Michael Moore, in a clip that's on MSNBC but which I'm not going to link because I think he's a pig, suggests that a Category 5 (sorry, at the time the forecast was that it would only be a Category 3 storm) hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast as the Republican National Convention begins is "proof there's a God in Heaven." He says he hopes no one gets hurt, which of course makes it OK that their homes and businesses might be destroyed.

Mike, I know I have some colleagues who claim to speak for God and who have suggested that this or that storm in the past has been a sign of God's disfavor with our nation. Unlike them, I don't think I can speak for God, but I'm going to guess that He'd say that if a devastating storm smacking people who haven't fully recovered from the last one is what you need to believe in Him, He'll give you a pass if you want to be an atheist.

If he passes that message along through me? The part where I say that grown men don't wear baseball caps 24 hours a day and that you're far enough past puberty that you should give up on that scraggle on your face ever becoming a beard and that you could stand to donate some of what's in your refrigerator to some Third World nations -- just remember that's not from God; it's purely my own opinion.

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