Thursday, February 4, 2010

Resolution of Thanks III

To: The gentleman who used an elliptical machine near me at my gym

WHEREAS, during the course of your exercise you respired with great energy, especially in your exhalations, for approximately one hour, and

WHEREAS, these exhalations were audible at some distance and you did indeed sound like a choo-choo train, and

WHEREAS, these audible exhalations did conclude with the lip-flapping sound known by some as a "Bronx cheer" or "blowing a raspberry," and

WHEREAS, these raspberries did also include considerable precipitation on the readout panel and other surfaces of the elliptical machine, and

WHEREAS, your post-workout wipedown of this now-irrigated machine was conducted with the same towel which you had used to remove perspiration from your brow, unaugmented by spray disinfectant or cleaning agent of any kind,

BE IT RESOLVED, on this fourth day of February of the Year of our Lord 2010, that I shall offer you my thanks for making my choice of which elliptical machine to use following my bike ride much, much easier to make.

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