Thursday, February 25, 2010

Things I Learned Today

These are things I learned watching the different TV sets that were on at the gym when I was on the elliptical (I'm not able to read when I'm on that thing -- I wish I could figure out how to keep my balance and still work hard while not holding the handles). In order, from left to right:

1) Bill O'Reilly is a blowhard, which I can't understand. I've seen some clips of his interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from back when she was running for president and he did probably the best interview I saw with her -- and Clinton herself came off looking better than she did in most other pieces. So he knows how to be a journalist, but it seems like he doesn't want to.

2) Even though not a single one of the players on the court were even born when I was at Northwestern, it's still a lot of fun watching the Wildcats win basketball games, especially when it's a nearly 20-point thumpin' of a team that they lost to earlier in the season.

3) American skier Lindsey Vonn's crash yesterday was the most important thing to ever happen in the Olympics, if we judge by the number of replays.

4) Even the mighty Clancy Brown can't save a TV show that stinks and borrows from a dozen other series before it gets out of opening credits.

5) On last season's Survivor (note to self: Ask The Boss why in His name this silly show is still on the air), contestant Russell played dirty trick after dirty trick on his teammates and it earned him a direct path to second place because nobody wants to give a million dollars to a jerk if they don't have to. (second note to self: Remember to stop going to gym so that you end up having to watch the TVs when Survivor is on) Showing that he's as smart as he is likable, on tonight's episode Russell buried his tribe's machete and snickered about plans to hide another player's hat. Genetics may have made Russell short. But he's made himself small all by his lonesome.

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