Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Final Four!

The end of March Madness begins, appropriately, after the end of March. This Saturday, April 3, Indianapolis hosts the end of the tournament to see who will become 2009-2010 NCAA Division 1 Men's Basketball Champions. The championship game is Monday, April 5.

We have the guys who work for free to make Mike Krzyzewski a multi-millionaire vs. the guys who need directions to the book store from West Virginia University. The other semifinal features the guys who don't go to class at Michigan State vs. the guys who might actually graduate from Butler University.

Butler, in addition to being pretty much a home team since the school is in Indianapolis, graduated better than nine out of every ten men's basketball players in 2009, according to NCAA figures. Duke does almost as well. By comparison, only four out of every ten Mountaineers leave Morgantown with a diploma and six out of ten Spartans move their tassels in May.

Now, just what those degrees are in, whether or not they're actually worth anything to the guys who got them? Would the number of them who ever earn more than a fraction of what their coaches make crowd a phone booth? No, no. We don't ask those questions, we just drink in the spectacle.

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