Tuesday, June 29, 2010


A couple of guys over at a site called IGN have come up with a list of what they think are the top 25 Saturday Night Live skits of all time. It is appalling.

Pardon me spoiling their article's suspense, but the number one skit in the show's 35-year history is the Christopher Walken/Will Ferrell Cowbell sketch? No Bees, no Greek Restaurant, no Roseanne Roseannadanna, no Bassomatic, no "wild and crazy" Festrunk brothers (but including the somewhat-less-than-one-joke Butabi brothers!), no Theodoric of York, no "Pepsi Syndrome," no Tarzan, Tonto and Frankenstein, no "Colon Blow," no Gumby...but the Cowbell sketch not only makes the list, it sits at the top.

I can only repeat the quotation from Emily Litella that I used as the post title and follow it with a paraphrase from Dan Aykroyd's Weekend Update commentary: IGN, you ignorant nuts.

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