Friday, April 29, 2011

Methinks, Protesteth too Much, Etc., Etc.

Today I did a non-scientific survey of the different news sources, blogs and whatnots that I read for information. I did this by reading them, which I do all the time, but this time I'm calling it a non-scientific, informal survey.

A single subject dominated coverage on many, if not most of them: The wedding of England's Prince William to Kate Middleton, now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (I may have my royal titles mixed up, but I think that's William's title until either his grandmother or father pass away, at which time he becomes the Prince of Wales and heir to the throne. Should, Heaven forbid, they pass away simultaneously, William of course becomes King William V of England).

The only subject that came close to people noting, commenting on and so forth about this wedding were all of the people who firmly and with great dripping disdain declared their passionate disinterest in the entire affair, a disinterest so monumental it had to be explicitly shared with us all, lest its absence suggest to someone the hideous possibility that the authors might actually be interested in this entirely uninteresting affair.

I am not myself terribly invested in this, although a a history-interested person and a fellow who likes traditional institutions I don't much mind the British having fun with their long-standing institution of the monarchy. And of course I hope William and Kate, who seem like two nice people, have a long and happy life together and are able to use their fame and position to do good things.

So, just for today, in their honor: England forever!

And Scotland for a wee bit longer.

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