Sunday, October 23, 2011

At Last!

Just in time for primary election season, the Shakespeare Insult Kit!

Just take a word from column 1, add a word from column 2 and column 3, then finish off by putting the word "Thou" in front of your combination.

Imagine how much more fun debates would be if candidates were required to use a kit-constructed insult once every five minutes. "Governor Romney, thou gleeking spur-galled giglet!" "Fine words Representative Bachman, thou gurbellied, bat-fowling puttock!" "Mr. President, I stand here to tell the American people that thou art a mammering, clapper-clawed moldwarp! What is your response, sir?"

I contacted my representative to get him to introduce this legislation, but he just laughed at me. The spleeny, beef-witted clack-dish.

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