Thursday, August 16, 2012

Presidential Lager

If you've read this blog very often you know I have a low opinion of President Obama's job performance on most fronts. I think his abilities for the job rank among the bottom of those who've held the office at any time during the last 70 years, and I obviously disagree with his policies (which makes me perversely grateful he is not very adept, as it makes those policies' enactment less likely).

But you also know I believe it to be harmful to the human spirit to allow oneself to hate someone with whom one disagrees politically, so I have tried now and again to find and highlight things about the president that I like. The upcoming election worried me -- I was figuring I was pretty much cooked for the next three months or so, as Vice-President Biden grew ever more stupid as his comments grew ever more noisomely noisy, and as the Chicago-style campaigning of his allies would have us believe the presumptive GOP nominee spent his weekends closing companies so their workers' spouses would die of cancer.

So I was greatly pleased to read this item, in which I found that the president has set aside space in the White House to brew his own beer. Had I a job in which such a move was a little less frowned upon and the space to do so, I would definitely be doing this sort of thing, and the president's home brew strikes me as the kind of thing most guys would want to do as soon as they had the space, money and time. So good job, Mr. President!

PS -- A scold writing for National Review here wonders if the president has broken laws by transporting his home brew across state lines on Air Force One, or if the brewing project is costing taxpayer money. As to the second: Since the president gets paid with taxpayer money I think that's a given, plus this doesn't strike me as the worst thing he's spent that money on. As to the first: Lighten up, Francis.

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