Saturday, August 18, 2012

This Could Be Trouble

So it seems eBay has decided it will stop listing things like curses, magic spells, spirits and other "intangible" items that some people claim to be selling.

This move may not be well-received in Washington, as eBay may have been many political officials' last chance to obtain a clue.

Despite the picture on the story, the new policy will not actually affect the sale of voodoo dolls, which are physical objects that can be appraised and have prices set. You may no longer advertise your ability to cast a voodoo spell on the doll, however.

That's probably good news, because if voodoo dolls were banned, voodoo bargain hunters would be left ordering Barbie dolls for their spells, and those would probably prove to be of limited effect on persons outside of Hollywood or the Playboy Mansion.

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