Thursday, October 4, 2012

Quid + Pro + Quo

Heard a nice presentation this afternoon from a lady from our denomination's governing agency over educational matters, who encouraged us to cultivate the call of young folks in our churches who might want to be be ministers. She said it was time for us to recognize this need.

I could not agree more, madam. But it's also time for your agency to take the lead in making the process by which they become ordained clergy take something less than a decade.

Your serve, GBHEM.


latoberg said...

Let's be fair. It only takes a decade if you are a recently graduated high school student who has experienced the call to ministry and can progress financially through undergraduate and seminary programs while possibly getting some of your probationary time requirement filled while in seminary.

Friar said...

We don't have young clergy because by the time they finally complete the process, they ain't young anymore...

Elizabeth said...

I don't have any experience with this, but I'll still give you an "Amen."