Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Little Bit Louder and a Little Bit Worse

Former Arkansas governor and talk show host Mike Huckabee, who recently hung up his microphone in order to explore running for president again, says his 2016 campaign (if it happens) will differ from his 2008 run at the GOP nomination. He will only run this time if he funds his campaign at a level necessary to duke it out at full speed for the long haul.

The result, of course, will be the same -- Mike Huckabee will greet Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 as he has greeted every day since Tuesday, January 9, 2007: As a private citizen holding no governmental office.

1 comment:

  1. Did someone pass a rule, when we weren't looking, that the only people who can run for President are people who've previously unsuccessfully run?

    2016 is shaping up to be very disappointing, it looks like.
