Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Laugh While You Can, Primate

Science fiction author Larry Niven includes among the peoples of his Known Space series the Kzinti, a race of intelligent felines that act a lot like terrestrial felines in that they tend to want to conquer and/or eat other species whom they encounter.

Should anyone ever decide to try to make a movie set in the Known Space universe -- and it's unlikely that anyone will, because it's complex and Niven is a quirky writer who makes a quirky world -- there will be no need to build CGI to represent the Kzinti. Just take some of the pictures below of Maine Coon cats, snapped by Robert Sijka, stick Andy Serkis in that motion-capture suit that's made him a millionaire and map the pictures onto the suit footage. Voila!

See the four below to get an idea of what I mean -- at the link you can see others, as well as the usual pictures of ridiculously cute kittens.

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