Friday, July 26, 2019


-- The Wyoming Valley West school district, in the news earlier this week for telling parents if they didn't pay their kids' lunch bills they could lose said kids to foster care, received an offer from a local businessman to pay the whole back debt amount of $22,000. The school board president's first response: "No." After the businessman wrote an op-ed in the local paper describing the exchange, the school board president got back in touch and accepted the money. With that, the shortfall -- .0275% of the school's annual $80,000,000 budget, was cleared. The need for remedial civics education among elected and employed school officials in the Wyoming Valley West school district remains.

-- Today the instruction "Smile for the camera!" is a part of any portrait session for at least a few shots. In the days of the great artists of the Renaissance, smiling was rarely a part of the process. Here at Bored Panda is a series of famous paintings altered by an artificial intelligence program to show what the subjects might have looked like if they were smiling. Several paintings are changed entirely by this one small alteration.

-- Fans of the rap duo Insane Clown Posse often call themselves "juggalos" and may sometimes paint their faces in the distinctive black and while angular design worn by the performers. In addition to indicating fandom of the ICP, the two-tone look also defeats facial recognition software by fuzzing up the program's ability to detect contrast in and around the eye area. Now, if you try to rob a bank in juggalo makeup and get caught anyway, this blog disclaims all liability for you pulling a dumb stunt like that in the first place.

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