Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Few Ends and Odds

-- I don't often link to Hot Air because the writers are sometimes a little overzealous in their criticism of their opponents. I don't have a problem factoring point of view in when I read things but not everyone likes to, and I think I test readers' patience enough without laying that one on them too. Nonetheless, this piece by Jazz Shaw sums up pretty clearly what airlines will do differently after these firms are saved by largesse from the public treasury. The short answer: Nuttin. No promises of returned leg or headroom, no improved inflight service, no end to fees for just about anything you want to do with your baggage. They only promise they will gladly take the money. Yay.

-- It's not just the Venezuelan economy that's sinking fast. The Venezuelan Navy patrol boat Naiguata attempted to make the Portuguese cruise ship Resolute turn into a Venezuelan port, claiming it had entered Venezuelan territorial waters for what were probably nefarious purposes. The Resolute declined the invitation, so the Naiguata rammed it several times to force it to enter the harbor. And then it sank.

-- The key to being a wise philosopher is to recognize when you encounter someone with greater wisdom yourself, as this edition of Existential Comics makes clear.

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