Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Maybe, But...

President Joe Biden is apparently planning to nominate former Chicago mayor and former President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel as the U.S. ambassador to Japan.

This would surprise many people with whom Mr. Emanuel has dealt in the past, who would not have suspected him to be guilty of diplomacy. A pollster who received a dead fish in the mail when Mr. Emanuel was displeased with his results, for example. Or potential donors who were told their offers were so low they were embarrassing before being hung up upon.

Of particularly troubling memory is Mr. Emanuel's demonstration of the desired post-election treatment of enemies of former President Bill Clinton following Mr. Clinton's 1992 victory: As their names were shouted, Mr. Emanuel would reply by shouting, "Dead!" and stabbing the table with his steak knife. This could be a particular problem in a culture that requires the respecting of elaborate traditions during ceremonial meals, places a high value upon personal honor and has a proven tradition of the skillful use of sharp-edged weapons. Should he slip up and revert to his 1992 form, Mr. Emanuel might offend his host nation on all three counts and need to hastily resign his post and get the hell out of the country while he still can.

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