Thursday, March 1, 2012


I frequently say a lot of movies released these days stink, but I'm just a guy who runs my mouth in cyberspace whose only connection to the movie industry was a year in high school spent slinging popcorn and tearing tickets at the local moviehouse.

A dude who knows more than me wrote a book detailing some of the obstacles different movies have faced and why some really good scripts never saw a camera, and the website i09 reviews it here. Free-range vocabulary warning issued.

Turns out the main reason is that the movie industry has a lot of dumb people with power in it, and they exercise their power to either have their own way with the creative vision of the moviemaker or they use it to block movie ideas they don't like or think may put their own jobs at risk. Yup. That's it (the book goes in to more detail and is funnier).

Apparently when it comes to stupidity, Hollywood is no more creative than anywhere else.

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