Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me!

Or more precisely (and piratically), to me blog. Six years ago today, I posted its first entry, with the title "Why Am I Here?" As a person, I have been asking that question for much longer than six years and am sure I will continue to do so for much longer as well. I am certain that I have at least inspired more people to ask that question about the blog, if nothing else.

The logo, which is a picture I found online of a cat that clearly believes that slaying everything that breathes will not provide enough death to satisfy its anger, has remained mostly the same. My "favorite" post has changed now and again through the years; in recent times as I've scanned through the blog history it's been this one.

For those of you who have tolerated and been amused, informed or entertained by the blog -- or been amused by the fact that I expect anything written here to be amusing, informative or entertaining -- my gratitude. For those of you who were not, please send me a receipt for the amount spent to access the blog and I will pay you back fourfold (which means if you got your internet connection just to read this, you may need more help than I do). And for those of you who are just now coming to the blog, I am very sorry that the contest in which the finder of the secret word earned unbelievable amounts of cash and prizes ended yesterday.


  1. I have been outsourcing the question "Why am I here?" to, um, a Higher Power.

    Six years surely must be something like the 97th percentile; most blogs die in their first year, and I've seen some die after the first post.

  2. As far as longevity, Charles, I am in awe of Dustbury's reign.

    And I also outsource the question, both as a personal and a professional matter ;-)
