Saturday, September 1, 2012

Radio Nowhere, Pt. 576

Lots of time on the road in the last few weeks, which means time with today's Top 40 because those stations often have the clearest signals in ye olde middle of nowhere. Some of it's catchy and fun, some of it's...otherwise.

I think it'll take a lot of work to come up with a song that displays more crass stupidity and less subtlety thatn Flo Rida's "Whistle." They call phrases that have cleverly suggestive secondary meanings "double entendre," and I've sometimes read clumsy such attempts derided as "single entendre."

Rida's song is a rare example of "zero entendre," a phrase I just coined that describes an attempt at wit so lame as to make listeners even dumber than the lyricists who wrote it.

(Edited for typos. Stinkin' iPad keyboard...)


CGHill said...

It took five people to write that?

Friar said...

Yup -- one to hold the pen and four to move the paper.

Wakka wakka wakka...