Saturday, February 8, 2014

Profiles In Something Other Than Courage

The below post references NBC showing the Sochi Olympic Winter Games Opening Ceremonies as they happened, including the glitch in the snowflakes-becoming-rings display.

Lest anyone think that the network is somehow taking a brave stand for Telling the Truth No Matter Who It Ticks Off, it's worth noting that it removed the International Olympic Committee's anti-discrimination statement from its televised version of IOC president Thomas Bach's initial address. Bach was making a reference to Russia's discrimination against gay men and women, which might almost be enough to make Westboro church happy.

And it its warm-up intro describing the history of Russia, a voice-over referred to the rule of the Communist Party in the former Soviet Union and surrounding states as "one of modern history's pivotal experiments." Yup. A pivotal experiment in terror, oppression, mass murder, silencing dissent, bullying or invading neighboring nations, etc.

It seems like the Peacock is picking up where it left off two years ago in London.

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