Sunday, November 1, 2009

Colonial Epic Fail

Today is the 244th anniversary of the Stamp Act, an attempt by His Majesty's government to increase revenue from its North American colonies. The linked version, cut and pasted into MS Word, runs a bit over 21 pages, and contained 63 separate articles listing taxable items. Some articles listed more than one.

These include playing cards (one shilling) and dice (ten shillings). Twenty shillings made up a pound and one shilling at that time would probably buy a meal in a decent but not great steakhouse, including beef, beer, bread and the tip. So buying a pair of dice would set you back ten trips to Steak and Ale.

The act was repealed barely four months afterwards, but the damage had been done, and His Majesty's colonies became somewhat un-enamored of His Majesty's government. This feeling would lead to a bit of a row about 10 years later.

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