Friday, November 12, 2010

Poor Planning?

An old ethnic joke makes fun of the fellow of whatever nationality is being insulted at the time for "bringing a knife to a gun fight." A condominium board in Queens, New York, brought a lawsuit to a dog fight and had similar success.

Of course, the story is a lot more fun when you read that the dog in question is one of those overgrown rodents known as "Yorkshire Terriers" or Yorkies, and weighs all of three and a half pounds when dry. No attempt to weigh him soaking wet has been made, as the amount of water necessary to thoroughly wet him was deemed by the ASPCA to pose a danger of drowning the little yipper and the measurement was stopped.

And it's more fun when you read that the condo board spent one hundred thousand dollars on the fight before they lost. Or that this is the second time this board has sued this woman about a dog and the second time they have lost (the other suit referenced a different dog). Or that they lost because their own written policy implied that pets which are not nuisances are totally OK, even though they say their intent was to ban pets altogether.

Of course, I'm not a hundred percent sure how a Yorkie can fail to be a nuisance, because I think it's written in the official breed description. Factor in that the dog in question is a "teacup Yorkie," an especially small version of the dog that is prone to chronic diarrhea and vomiting, and you feel a little sympathy for the condo board. On the other hand, the whole animal weighs no more than three or four Happy Meals, so it's hard to believe that those chronic problems amount to much anyway.

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