Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wish I Knew What to Say

An open letter to people who accepted Harold Camping's prediction of a May 21, 2011 rapture:

Words fail me when I try to tell you how sorry I am for you and how badly you must feel. You woke up believing you'd end the day in Jesus' presence but that didn't happen; I can't even imagine what kind of disappointment that might be for you. I mourn that with you even if I don't accept Mr. Camping's teaching. I look forward to being with Jesus someday myself and I know how much I anticipate it, so I know to have that not happen when you expected it would must be very hard.

I don't know if you're feeling disillusioned or let down about your faith as a whole or just about Mr. Camping's teaching. I'm a Christian too, and I'm praying your faith weathers this crisis -- if there's a Christian someplace who hasn't made a mistake and believed a wrong teaching or authority, I'd like to meet him or her and say, "Bless your good fortune!" I've accepted ideas that turned out to be wrong and I've agreed with teachers that turned out to be wrong, but I'm grateful that God forgives those kinds of errors.

You or some people you know may have made some life decisions based on your belief that your earthly life would end and your heavenly life begin on May 21. I pray for help for the people who did so, that they might reacquire old jobs, rebuild savings and get their lives back on track.

You and I disagree about some matters regarding Christ's second coming, I imagine. I don't know whether that stopped you from praying for me and people who believe like I do -- for many of you, it sure sounds like it didn't, so thanks for those prayers -- but I'm going to make sure it doesn't stop me from praying for your faith in Christ to survive this test and be stronger.

Signed, a brother in Christ

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