Friday, July 8, 2011

You Can Get There From Here, But Where's "There?"

Geography class never included places like these, seven "micronations" that exist mostly within the minds of the people who live in them and made them up.

Reading the story, it seems like some of these micronations were founded by people with senses of humor. The folks in Molossia, for example, pay U.S. taxes (because that's where they legally live, "Republic of Molossia" or not). But they call it "foreign aid." Molossia also claims 49,881 square miles of Venus, but is curiously tight-lipped about whether or not they pay taxes to the relevant Venusian authorities.

I had not realized that people made up new nations on a more or less permanent basis, but I was used to certain areas of my house being designated as sovereign territory by those who occupied it at the time. Such as my sister's room, so identified by a sign that that said, "Keep Out! This means Brett!" Or either restroom, claimed as a private domain by my father with the ceremonial ritual known as "Tucking the Folded Newspaper, Magazine or Book Under His Arm and Entering Said Restroom After Dinner." I shall leave to your imagination which method proved more effective at deterring illegal immigration into said sovereign territory.

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