Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

George Lucas didn't like the idea of messing around with already-released movies just to suit anyone's whims, even if the anyone happened to be the person who created said already-released movie:
These current defacements are just the beginning. Today, engineers with their computers can add color to black-and-white movies, change the soundtrack, speed up the pace, and add or subtract material to the philosophical tastes of the copyright holder. Tomorrow, more advanced technology will be able to replace actors with “fresher faces,” or alter dialogue and change the movement of the actor’s lips to match. It will soon be possible to create a new “original” negative with whatever changes or alterations the copyright holder of the moment desires.
Han shot first.


philip vm said...

"noooooooooo!!" (heh heh: just saw the new clip, and it basically proves that all the good stuff in the first trilogy was a fluke. that, or dementia set in sometime during the production process of "return of the jedi." lucas is a hack.)

Friar said...

The more he goes on, the more I have to wonder either a) just how much of those first three movies came out of other folks' heads or b) how lucky he was to have a lifetime's worth of good ideas hit in that six or seven year span...