Friday, February 24, 2012

Rule the Galaxy?

This blog post on is fun, using the original trilogy of Star Wars movies as a tag to discuss ways not to be in leadership. Although I hadn't broken them down that way before, I confess I'd always suspected that Force-choking failed workers to death was not a way to build a strong organization. Even if it is tempting sometimes, and in my line of work prefacing such actions with "I find your lack of faith...disturbing" is even more tempting sometimes.

And since Mr. Knapp, the writer, is talking about the leadership mistakes of the Galactic Empire and not the actual moviemaking itself, he doesn't have to address the nearly fatal error of rewriting a key scene in your original movie to suit your own whims and later claiming it was always that way when everyone with a pair of eyes and no few of those without knew it wasn't.

Ahem. Sorry. Won't happen again. My ranting, I mean. Heaven alone knows what idiocy George Lucas will pull next. And sometimes I wonder if they do.

(H/T Jonathan Last)

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