Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Spin the Wheel, Bust a Deal?

That reversal of a line from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome kind of describes what happened to a North Carolina postal worker who claimed a workplace injury kept her from returning to her job.

It seems that she went out to California and got herself on an episode of The Price Is Right. She won a chance to be in the Showcase Showdown, where she would spin the big wheel to see if she qualified to be in the Showcase bidding at the end of the show. Spinning the big wheel, of course, means you use your arms way above your head, which is only a problem if your worker's compensation claim is based on your assertion you can't do that anymore.

And that's only a problem if you do this in front of an audience. On a show that will be on national television.

One presumes the court had no problem delivering its summons.

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