Saturday, July 13, 2013

Victory Over Communism!

We have been told since forever that starchy foods like potatoes, high cholesterol foods like eggs, and fried foods are very bad for us. But, as a nutritionist writing at Business Insider notes, a blanket condemnation of those foods is unwarranted. In fact, in moderate amounts, these foods are necessary and could be considered good for you.

It's the preparation and the immoderate consumption that presents the problem, but those same factors can plague just about the most innocuous food or drink. Prepare water by leaving it in a puddle on the ground for a week and it's not good for you no matter how much your body needs hydration. Consume a couple gallons at a sitting and your body will not thank you.

All of that may just be common sense, but the takeaway is this (and I will freely admit that the nutritionist might not agree with my conclusion): It's OK to eat French fries.

Combine that with the fact that Twinkies are returning to store shelves, and the frequent reminders that salt restriction in most folks' diets is not an automatic ticket to Methusaleh Land, and I think that we are gathering one of journalism's favorite phrases -- "mounting evidence" -- that people like New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg are not only dull, officious busybodies who can't stand the idea of people making their own choices.

They're also wrong.

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