Friday, March 2, 2018


On March 2, 1791, the Rev. John Wesley, founder of the branch of the company for which I labor, passed away at 87. Finally feeling old age after an illness the year before, he spent the last several months of his life in one place, the exact opposite of how he had spent most of the previous six decades.

He took to his bed in late February and weakened over the course of the five days leading up to March 2. On that day, he was said to have sung hymns and recited scripture with a weakening voice as his strength continued to fail. Among his last words were "The best of all, God is with us" and "Farewell."

His tomb in London has a brief recounting of his extensive preaching, traveling and organizing the revival movement that would be come the Methodist church. But immediately after it admonishes those who might pay credit to the wrong actor in that drama: "Reader, if thou art constrain’d to bless the instrument, give God the glory."

I would think a similar sentiment would come from the more recently departed mass evangelist of his time, Rev. Billy Graham. And I suspect the two gentlemen will be sharing stories when they happen to encounter one another in the hereafter they both proclaimed to such great effect.

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