Monday, April 9, 2018

Nice Ice

At this link, you can see some of the pics Russian photographer Kristina Makeeva took of Lake Baikal in southern Siberia. It's the largest freshwater lake in the world and does amazing things when it freezes.

The link is to a Google translate version of her site. The original, complete with Cyrillic alphabet, is here, in case you're a person who prefers to use another translator site instead.

Almost as amazing as the photos is that there are still people using LiveJournal.


CGHill said...

It's big in Russia, since a Russian media operation bought it in 2007. (About half the 50 million or so LJ accounts belong to Russians.)

Friar said...

Had no idea. Unless, of course, that's just what Vladimir Putin wants us to believe?

CGHill said...

If Vlad the Impaler wants me to believe something, he can by-gum do something more than just commissioning botnets.