Thursday, July 5, 2018

Circle of Life

At one point in the classic cinematic masterpiece Animal House, Boon and Otter remark on the way Douglas C. Niedermyer, sergeant-at-arms, is bullying Delta Tau Chi pledge Flounder during an ROTC class:
Otter: He can't do that to our pledges!
Boon: Only we can do that to our pledges!
They then strike him with a well-hit golf ball.

It is beyond human knowledge to be certain how the members of a certain pride of lions in the Sibuya Game Preserve name or identify themselves, but it may be that at least a couple of them passably imitated Otter and Boon when they discovered poachers in the preserve who were presumed to be hunting rhinoceri for their horns. Lions will not generally tangle with a full-grown rhino, but they do eat younger members of a herd they might catch unawares.

Be that as it may, the lions decided that they could kill two birds with one stone -- so to speak -- by eating the poachers. They thus protect their potential future meals of small rhinos and get a snack in the bargain.

Game wardens believe that there were at least three poachers, having discovered the remains of three sets of clothing and assorted parts to three people. There may have been more but the lions aren't talking, even under the threat of double secret probation.

ETA: Fellow Okie blogger Charles has a take on this news as well!

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