Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Not Getting It

This story in The New Yorker by Osita Nwanevu is about a welcome development -- steps towards trying some different ways to keep criminals from re-offending have passed through Congress. But it misses so much of the important material in an effort to keep President Trump in the middle of things by talking about stupid stuff he's said about criminals.

Mr. Nwanevu, like most journalists working today, can't seem to understand that there are things in this world that aren't about Donald Trump. It's possible to leave him out of entire paragraphs, although it seems like no one wants to.

Funny thing, for all that the press and the president despise each other, they find themselves in agreement about the desire to make him the center of everything. You'd think they'd figure out they were on the same page and one of them change their ways, but I guess not.

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