Monday, April 1, 2019

Oh...Never Mind

The headline on this article at Real Clear Science might lead you to think you would be reading about one thing, but you would actually read about something else:
"What Is Brain Waste?"
It's about proteins that build up in brain tissue following the cellular respiration of the neurons the tissue contains. One of the things we need sleep for is to allow the brain's "glymphatic system" to remove the waste proteins.

As for the other possible interpretations of "brain waste," well, after you've run down the list of a variety of kinds of studies degrees, anything to do with the Kardashians, most of what Sean Hannity, Michael Moore, Ann Coulter or Maxine Waters says, almost everything on Buzzfeed, half of what any TV meteorologist says, anything that comes out of Nicolás Maduro or Raúl Castro's mouth, the Statement of Ethics of the International Olympics Committee, the UN Commission on the Status of Women (or, for that matter, anything the UN says about Israel other than Resolution 181) and so on, you've pretty much wasted enough of your brain already.


fillyjonk said...

I guess all of those stupid dreams I have where I'm basically going through an ordinary day at work (but one or two things are weirdly different, but I don't realize that until after I wake up) is my brain flushing...

Friar said...

A possibility. Maybe all of those other folks's heads are full if it because they forgot to flush. ;-)