Thursday, August 29, 2019

Plus One or Two

A sponsored article over at Mental Floss lists six benefits of reading every day. They all sound great, but the list leaves off a couple. For one, time spent reading is not time spent watching cable news shows, which is a plus. It's also time not spent looking at Twitter, but that's sort of the same general kind of thing.

The other benefit of reading, which is one I might have thought would be listed first, is that you get to read. It's just an enjoyable and productive activity for whole bunches of reasons depending on what kind of reading you're doing, so you might even call that reason enough by itself.


Brian J. said...

Also, it clears a little space from one's to-read shelves to fill with new books.

fillyjonk said...

It also detracks your mind from whatever sad stuff is going on in your world. I started re-reading "The Hobbit" to quell worries I was feeling over an upcoming screening colonoscopy; after I got home (having had to cancel said colonoscopy in the wake of my dad's somewhat unexpected death), I finished it to try to take my mind to a place free from what was troubling it for a few minutes.

it helped, I think.

I also started "The Provincial Lady in Wartime" which is having a similar effect right now.

Friar said...

It's indeed a great way to do that. Don't know if I'd posted my condolences; if not please accept them now.