Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Political Advice

There seems little point to commenting on what just about any Democratic presidential candidate says these days, with the Iowa caucuses still five months out and there being more of these people than anyone could keep track of. But "Beto" O'Rourke, loser of a 2018 Senate race against Ted Cruz, stood out this past week by saying stuff that makes his desire to seek the office logically implausible.

The former Texas Congressman mostly resembles John Edwards in his campaign, being an empty suit full of words that mean even less that a football coach's comments on why his team can win the game if they score more points. He has, of course, significantly more personal integrity than Edwards, who fathered a child during an affair he had while his wife was battling cancer. But as a candidate, he is just as meaningless and has struggled to transfer the excitement of his battle against Cruz to his battle for the nomination. Since Cruz did not cooperate by declaring a Democratic candidacy, it has been difficult.

His latest tack has been to activate the Racial Animus Mode of campaigning, first declaring in a speech in Nashville that the United States was founded on white supremacy. He then doubled down on that opinion in a Sunday tweet and claimed that our nation was founded on racism and is still racist today.

Now, one of two things must be true about Mr. O'Rourke's claims: 1) They are true, in which case why would someone as upstanding and perceptive as he wish to lead such an irredeemably racist people? Or, 2) They are false, in which case why should anyone have any confidence that his judgment and understanding in office will be any better than his judgment and understanding while seeking office?

I personally believe Mr. O'Rourke is wrong. So do a lot of historians who are smarter than either him (well duh) or me (slightly less duh). But I and those smarter people could still be wrong. So either we are unworthy of Mr. O'Rourke, or he is unworthy of us.

Thus, it makes no sense for Mr. O'Rourke to run for president, and he should delete his campaign immediately.

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