Friday, April 17, 2020

Product Placement

An instagram used with the handle "freelanceford" has created a site for a studio called "Brand Name Films." The movies show an idea of what certain products would be like if they were turned into different kinds of movies and starred big-name actors.

All of them are pretty funny and some of them are top-level clever. Charlize Theron as the "last surviving member of the Morton empire" who tries to bring salt back to a world whose people have been denied it in Salt in the Wound plays on Theron's action-heroine vibe and the classic Morton Salt girl label. Hugh Jackman in what looks like a gambling caper film Mr. Pringle also seems like some good casting.

And you know, if someone asked me to put five bucks down on the idea that Tom Hanks might one day star in the biopic of Orville Reddenbacher and call it Poppin' I might just go ahead and take that bet.

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