Monday, June 1, 2020

A Comical Dream

The other night, for whatever reason, I remembered a dream I had, which is something I don't often do. In this dream, I was visiting Bloom County creator Berke Breathed and having lunch with him in his kitchen, alongside Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson.

Now although I am a devoted fan of both strips, I have never met either gentleman, nor even attended an event where they have spoken. All of my contact with them comes from reading their work or, in Breathed's case, following his Facebook page. So I have no idea what prompted the suggestion that I would be having sandwiches with them on some sunny afternoon.

Anyway, while we were eating, a scruffy fellow came up Breathed's driveway and stood outside, visible though a window but not coming near the door. Breathed went outside to him and spoke with him for awhile, then the scruffy fellow turned around and left and Breathed came back inside. In answer to questions from Watterson and me, he explained that the man was a local semi-homeless person who every now and again decided he needed to visit Breathed, believing that the two had some connection. Breathed would listen to him for awhile and when the man was done he would walk away as we saw.

Breathed said he rarely could follow the conversation, since it had a lot to do with aliens, other dimensions and higher planes of existence. I piped up that it sounded something like the way some of my older colleagues had talked about our line of work back in the 1970s hippie-er days of the church. That made Watterson laugh, so Breathed and I spent the next 15 minutes riffing on how a hippie-dippie "with-it" pastor from 1975 would sound exactly like a stoner from the same era and had him -- and us -- cracking up so much we all nearly fell off our stools at the counter.

As I said, I have no idea why I dreamed this scenario, but it was a whole lot of fun to do so.

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