Sunday, June 28, 2020


Last week Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the social media platform will ban "a wider array of hateful conduct" in its advertising. Some speculation suggests that the move comes after some large companies decided to either end or take a break from advertising on social media. Rumors are that the website felt these moves came because the companies didn't want their ads to be on FB next to what they considered hateful ads or postings, so they took initiative in making sure there would be fewer of those ads around.

Zuckerberg said the company is also expanding its protection of "immigrants, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers" from ads or posts that suggest those groups are inferior.

However, following its previous adherence to the Hypocritic Oath, the company will not take any stronger initiatives against ads for fake weight loss products, ads that scam credit card numbers, ads that hide the actual shoddy quality of the merchandise for sale, ads that repeat fifty-seven times in five minutes and ads that come from a country that's trying to erase an entire population as a distinctive people group.

Go stub a toe, you sanctimonious twerp.

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