Monday, May 24, 2021

Imaginary Offspring

A photo blogger at Bored Panda decided to use an artificial intelligence program to take a stab at what the children of fictional couples might look like.

Some of them give us a guess at what actual children born in the program might look like -- Mad About You's Jamie and Paul Buchanan had a daughter, Mabel, during the run of the show. But she was just a baby, so the AI program gives a picture of what Mabel might look like as she became a preteen.

The project also works with characters from older shows, such as the 1980s comedy-drama Moonlighting. It even goes back to the 1950's classic I Love Lucy. The interesting thing there is that Ricky and Lucy do have a baby on the show and the real-life couple had two children during their marriage. Neither of them look much like their supposed brother would have looked, according to the program, but that's because in real life Lucy's red hair was not something that could be passed on via her genetic makeup.

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