Wednesday, August 2, 2023


 I am an avid fan of the magazine Astronomy. Earlier versions of their online format were oddly, for a magazine devoted to science, awful. But I didn’t hesitate to go back to paper - and my local library is grateful, as they receive past issues.

Today I was reading one of their brief snippet stories and it spoke of something some millions of light years off. If you don’t know, that’s something so far off that light takes millions of years to get to us - it may look nothing like what we see if we were able somehow to see it in real time.

I read these figures frequently in the magazine but this evening for some reason the immensity and vastness of the universe truly struck me on this occasion. I’d sit out tonight and contemplate it but it’s going to be 93 degrees at 10 PM so I’ll imagine.

We really are small. I really am small. But my way of thinking gives me a Creator who can encompass both the vastness of the universe and me at one time. You, too. 

Somehow, that’s an even bigger “Whoa!”

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