Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Deja Movie

Over at The AV Club, some writers and readers of the magazine throw out some of their favorite movie clichés -- that is, clichés they actually don't mind seeing or may legitimately enjoy.

I found myself liking several of the ones the different writers picked, such as the courtroom drama or the speech about hope in the face of adversity (some might say that my profession includes quite a bit of the latter).

Others I kind of wondered about. One choice is the horror movie's ominous early-scene warning about the dangers that await the unwary travelers. Horror movies are just about nothing but cliché from opening score to closing credits, so it doesn't seem possible to select one of them out of every other minute we see onscreen. But I'll take his word for it because doing otherwise would mean that I have to watch a horror movie and G/O Media doesn't have enough money to get me to do that.

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